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critical discourse


Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Finding Your Market: The Nuts and Bolts of Market Research for Info Product Creators

In conducting your initial market research, you will take a different approach than you would if you were optimizing a website for a search engine. There's no need to start out with keyword research immediately. In fact, it's probably better if you don't. All that keyword research will tell you is whether or not people are searching on your chosen term. It won't tell you about the size of the market nor will it tell you about the market itself.

Do your research carefully! As I said before, one of the biggest reasons that people fail online (if they have even TRIED in the first place, that is), is because they fail to create products for which there is a market. Follow the ideas contained in this course and make sure that a market exists before ever delving into product creation. In the long run, a little extra care in this area could reap great rewards later.

To determine whether there is even a market in the first place (but not to learn about the size of that market or whether they are spenders), try going to Amazon or Barnes and Noble. In fact, you can even browse the sites online so that you don't even have to leave the house! Just go to or

Look through the best seller's list at both places. You are looking to see if there are a lot of best selling books on a particular topic. If there are, then that topic might be profitable to create a product around. You can also take a look at Take a look around there as well. If people are purchasing magazines on a given topic, there's a good chance that they'll purchase a book on the same subject.

When browsing these titles, also look at the price tags on the books. Are the books on your chosen topic usually available in only hard cover or are there paper back titles as well? Do the books start at $9.95 or do they start at $39.95? This will help you later when you try to put a price tag on your work. You'll know a little more about whether the market you have selected is willing to open their wallet a little, or really wide.

Remember to always check out ClickBank as well. You can find them at You want to look at the best sellers here as well. These are usually the topics that are hot on the internet right now.

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